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External services aggregator

Many services might be available to perform operations required for the Semantic Enrichment of a table. For example, multiple services can provide their own logic to perform a STI approach and generate annotations for a given table. Some other services might operate only on some of the annotation levels, i.e.: reconciliators that provide instance-level annotations for the table cells, or reconciliators that work on the schema-level annotation of the table, mapping columns to ontology concepts, determine the subject, named-entity, or literal column, or finding relations between pairs of columns.

The service aggregator layer is built in such a way that new external services can be integrated by developers following the framework structure.

In the current version of SemTUI there are two types of services:

  • reconciliators: perform the reconciliation of labels against a KG, and in general providing annotation for CEA, CTA and CPA (with partial annotation, or full table annotation).
  • extenders: allow the users to extend one or more column with information from other datasets enriching the original data table.

Server startup

As soon as the server spins up, all described services are parsed and validated against a schema. An unsuccessful parsing of a service will result in a validation error. Invalid services won't be available at runtime.

The user will be prompted with the following information on startup:


✖ service1
1. detailed validation error

✔ service2
✔ service3
✔ service4


✔ service1
✔ service2
✔ service3

Query an external service

Once a client connects to the server, a configuration for all the supplied services is sent to the client where it is parsed, displaying available services and their settings to the user. When a request to a service is sent from the client to the server, a pipeline executes the transformation functions specified to query the service and return its result. An additional post processing is applied to the final response to compute some statistics necessary for the application. The post processing is placed on top of the transformation functions provided by the user, so that further services additions do not need to explicitly tell the system how to compute those statistics.


Two different pipeline exists for reconciliators and extenders services. They can be found in ./api/services/extension/extension-pipeline.js and ./api/services/reconciliation/reconciliation-pipeline.js.

Add a new service

Services are situated in the services folder at the root of the application. They are grouped by their core functionality. At the moment there are services of types reconciliator and extender. Each service is constitued by three components:

Service structure
┣ 📜index.js
┣ 📜requestTransformer.js
┗ 📜responseTransformer.js


The index.js file contains characteristics of the service you want to add.

Service Components

To make the creation of a service easier, some objects have been defined to describe the available components:

export const FormComponents = {
* builds a checkbox component. A property 'options' must be specified with an array of option objects.
checkbox: "checkbox",
* builds an input text component
text: "text",
* builds a select component. A property 'options' must be specified with an array of option objects.
select: "select",
* builds a select component where each option is a column of the table
selectColumns: "selectColumns",
// be sure to export the object as default
export default {
// private properties are kept on the server
private: {
// specifies the endpoint to the external service in the environment file (.env)
endpoint: process.env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE,
// if true the request is processed to return unique values (labels/metadataIds)
// the req object contains two objects 'original' with
// the original request and 'processed' with the processed request. Defaults to false
processRequest: false,
// public properties are sent to the client
public: {
// name of the service (shown in the UI)
name: "",
// a description to give the user informations about this service (shown in the UI).
// It supports HTML markup syntax.
description: "",
// relative URL which will be queried from the client. e.g.: /reconciliators/asia/geonames
relativeUrl: "",
// (e.g: geo, wd, dbp)
prefix: "",
// base URI of the resources returned from this service
uri: "",
// specify how to visualize metadata information
metaToView: {},
// specify how to render the form to query the extension service
// each object of the array identifies a form field. Can be empty.
formParams: [],

Type corresponds to a UI componenent. Check here how to add new UI component. If type is omitted the field is treated as text. The data fields included in the object will be displayed in the UI, meanwhile all others fields are left out of the visualization.

// be sure to export the object as default
export default {
// private properties are kept on the server
private: {
// endpoint to the external service specified in the environment file (.env)
endpoint: process.env.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE,
// public properties are sent to the client
public: {
// name of the service (shown in the UI)
name: "",
// a description to give the user informations about this service (shown in the UI).
// It supports HTML markup syntax.
description: "",
// relative URL which will be queried from the client. e.g.: /reconciliators/asia/geonames
relativeUrl: "",
// specify how to render the form to query the extension service
// each object of the array identifies a form field. Can be empty.
formParams: [],


The requestTransformer.js file contains a transformation function which transform the client request to the format necessary to query the external service. The function returns the response from the external service. Each requestTransformer receives req which contains:

  • original: the original request to the server
  • processed (optional): the processed request to the server if the specified configuration for the service contains processRequest set to true.
import config from './index';
// library to perform http requests
import axios from 'axios';

const { endpoint } = config.private;

// be sure to export the function as default
export default async (req) => {
const { items } = req.processed;

// transformation function applied to the request items to query the service
const formBody = ...

const response = await`${endpoint}/geonames`, formBody)

Reconciliation and extension requests have the following formats:

{"id":"r0$StrCity","label":"Kirchheim unter Teck"},
// column
"Match Location":{
// additional properties for the specific extender service


The responseTransformer.js file contains a transformation function which transform the response of the external service to a standard format so that the frontend application always receives the same data to operate on:

// be sure to export the function as default
// the function receives as input the request object of the requestTransformer
// (req) and the response from the external service (res)
export default async (req, res) => {
const { items } = req.processed;

// transformation function applied to the response (res) of the requestTransformer
const response = ...
return response;
// be sure to export the function as default
// the function receives as input the request object from the requestTransformer
// (req) and the response from the external service (res)
export default async (req, res) => {
const { items } = req.processed;
// input columns ids from the request items
const inputColumns = Object.keys(items);

let response = {
// columns entities to be added
columns: {},
// mapping between the new column obtained from extension of the input column (i.e.: { newColumnId: inputColumnId })
// meta is used to place the new columns in the correct order in the UI.
meta: {}

// transformation function to obtain the response

return response;

Reconciliation and extension responses have the following formats:

"id": "r1$StrCity",
// follows the w3c standard for the representation of the annotations
"id": "geo:6555605",
"name": "Baden-Baden",
"type": [
{ "id": "A.ADM4", "name": "A.ADM4"}
"score": 138.1361083984375,
"match": false
"id": "r2$StrCity",
"id": "r3$StrCity",

You can prevent a configured service from being loaded into the runtime of the server using the exclude field in the initial configuration, as described here.