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Application configuration


The main of the entire application is the index.js file situated in the root of the src directory. The main imports three files in the following order:

// import config to load configuration which will be used everywhere else
import './config/index'
// setup express server API
import './app';
// setup socketIO connection and channels
import './socketio';


The application exposes a configuration to setup paths and services. In the root of the application a file config.js can be found:

export default {
// path to dataset files relative to root folder
datasetFilesPath: '/public/datasets',
// path to dataset db relative to root folder
datasetDbPath: '/public/',
// path to tables db relative to root folder
tablesDbPath: '/public/',
// path to folder with temporary files
tmpPath: '/tmp',

services: {
// path to services relative to src folder
path: '/services',
// specify services to exclude during config initialization
// excluded services won't be loaded during app startup
exclude: {
extenders: [],
reconciliators: ['lamapi']

When the application starts up, the configuration will be parsed and various options are made available through an in memory object:

const config = await loadConfig();
export default config;

So that the configuration can be imported into any other component:

import config from '../../../config/index';

const {
// get the path to the file containing the collection of the datasets
// get the path to the file containing the collection of the tables
// get the path to the files of datasets
// get path to temp folder
// check ./config/index.js for all of the options available
} = config.helpers;


Check ./config/index.js for all of the options available in the exported config object.