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Exchanged Data Format

In the following section are described the data formats exchanged between client and server for reconciliation and extension requests. The descriptions is presented in Typescript.

Annotation Metadata

The annotation data is modeled following the W3C standard format for the representation of semantic annotations:

Annotation metadata
interface ColumnMetadata = {
type?: { id: string; name: string; }[];
property?: {
id: string;
name: string;
obj: string;
score: number;
match: boolean;
entity?: EntityMetadata[];

interface EntityMetadata = {
id: string;
match: boolean;
name: string;
score: number;
type?: { id: string; name: string }[];
description?: string;



The req object of a requestTransformer contains the original request from the client and optionally the processed request (see External services aggregator):

interface ReconciliationRequestOriginal {
// items to reconcile
items: Item[];

interface Item {
// cell id
id: string;
// label to reconcile
label: string;


type ReconciliationResponseProcessed = Item[];

interface Item {
// cell id
id: string;
// candidate entity annotations
metadata?: EntityMetadata[];



The req object of a requestTransformer contains the original request from the client and optionally the processed request (see External services aggregator):

interface ExtensionRequestOriginal {
// items to extend. columnId: { rowId: metadataId }
items: Record<string, Item>;
// any properties that may be required by the service
[serviceProperty]?: any;

type Item = {
// rowId: metadataId
[rowId]: string;


interface ExtensionResponseProcessed = {
// columns to add
columns: Record<string, Column>;
// map between extended column and original column ids
meta: Record<string, string>;

interface Column {
label: string;
metadata?: ColumnMetadata[];
kind?: 'entity' | 'literal';
role?: 'sbj' | 'obj';
cells: Record<string, Cell>;

interface Cell = {
label: string;
metadata?: EntityMetadata[];